30th april, 2025 ‘Former Queensday’ NLRoeit organizes the NLRoeit – “Rowbattle“, with this battle money will be raised for the following social (sports) charities;
Fonds Gehandicaptensport and HandicapNL.
Individual: Maximum number of meters rowing on an ergometer in 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
Team: Women first row 1,000 meters, then switch with men who also row 1,000 meters; then alternate with women who complete 2,000 meters and finally men also complete 2,000 meters. ** For time! **. *– A team must consist of: 2 women, 2 men and a person (M/F) with an official PR-3 classification.-*
When? 30 April 2025. (Former Queensday in the Netherlands) Note: This masterly event has been postponed by a year due to organizational difficulties.

Huize Padua
Adress: Kluisstraat 2, 5427 EM Boekel.
NLRoeit is founded in collaboration with PKClub CrossGym.